Meet the MI NBCT 2014-15 New Members
Jennifer Boring-Kata
From the time I was a little girl, I remember wanting to be a teacher. I would play school even while my family was on vacation, setting up lawn chairs as desks. As an adult who continues to love learning new things, I pursued National Board Certification because I believe in the importance of reflective teaching practices and I am dedicated to being an advocate for children. I want to work to make change in educational policy so that I can help each and every student be successful. I also want to help other teachers see the benefit of the National Board Process and its importance to the teaching profession. In December, I was hired by the Port Huron Area School District as a 2nd Grade Teacher at Cleveland Elementary School. I have been teaching for a total of 7 years. While working on my National Board Certification, I also completed a second Master's Degree in Instructional Leadership from National University. I look forward to meeting other NBCTs in Michigan and learning more about how I can get involved as a National Board Certified Teacher. |
Therese Geist
I am an elementary educator for Southfield Public Schools. I have spent my career with Southfield in many different roles with the most current role as Title 1 teacher at McIntyre Elementary. I graduated from the University of Michigan in 1998 with a Bachelors degree in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education. I then pursued a Masters Degree in the Art of teaching and graduated in 2003.I was selected as a mentor for MSU interns and collaborated with team members on an ongoing basis to improve student achievement. In 2007 I was recommended by my peers to apply for the Galileo program and was accepted. As a result of my participation and enrollment in the Education Specialist program at Oakland University, I received a Post-Masters’ degree in Teacher Leadership and Educational Administration in 2009. In 2010, my district encouraged its staff to complete “Take One” and with the support of my then principal, Mrs. Teresa John I began the journey of National Board Certification. I took a year off between “Take One” and full certification completion and in 2014, was granted National Board Certification.My life has been one of learning and when National Board Certification was presented to me I took the opportunity because I believe the best teachers are the best learners. I want to know all that I can about teaching and learning so that the students entrusted in my care get the best education available. I am fortunate that my district encouraged and supported the journey and for that I will be forever grateful. My personal journey of learning will continue in education and I look forward to additional leadership opportunities that will allow me to mentor, coach and lead others in the best profession…teaching! |
Angela Taylor-Gloster
In September of 2014 Angela Taylor-Gloster became the K-5 English Language Arts Professional Development Facilitator for Southfield Public Schools. She has 25 years of teaching experience ranging from pre-k-5th grade. Ms. Taylor-Gloster completed Take One in 2010. The growth that she experienced as a result of reflecting on her own teaching inspired Ms. Taylor-Gloster to pursue Full National Board Certification. Going through this process has greatly influenced her as an educator. She has learned to analyze all professional development to see what impact it will have on her teaching. When planning lessons, she looks at the Big Idea to see what impact the lesson will have on student learning. She makes sure that she knows the students’ interest and learning styles and that all lessons are respectful tasks. Ms. Taylor-Gloster has become a lifelong learner as a result of going through the National Board Certification Process. |
Sally Hamama-Nalu
Sally Hamama-Nalu is my name and currently, I am the bilingual/ESL teacher at Vandenberg World Cultures Academy located within the Southfield Public School District. My 15 years of teaching experience led me to seek the NBCT as a personal challenge and to excavate the best practices of our teaching profession. Growing up in a bilingual household myself and experiencing first-hand the struggle with reading comprehension, teaching ELL students as well as all learners to excel, became my passion. The journey first began by attaining a Reading Specialist Master's degree, an Education Specialist degree, and the opportunity to participate in the Galileo Leadership. Then, supported and encouraged by my school district to strengthen teacher practice and improve student achievement, I participated in Take I then full National Boards. This process required deep analytical and reflective thinking in addition to providing an opportunity to view our discipline through a different lens. I am very grateful and humbled by this opportunity to be a part of accomplished teaching professionals. |
Vanessa Parnell
Vanessa Parnell is a native of St. Louis, Missouri but has lived in Detroit most of her life. Being the third of seven children and the first to graduate from high school in her family, receiving an education that would help to advance her life was very important. Vanessa has been married for 20 years and has a daughter who will graduate this year from Birmingham Groves High School. Vanessa enrolled at Michigan State University immediately following high school and received her bachelor of science in early childhood and elementary education. She later received her masters of arts in language arts from Oakland University and her educational specialist degree in administration from Wayne State University. After becoming established and respected in her profession, Vanessa served in the role of Co-Chair for Peer Assistance and Review (PAR), a program designed to help teachers new to the profession as well as veteran teachers who may encounter struggles and difficulty in Detroit Public schools. Vanessa is a national trainer for the American Federation of Teachers’ Educational Research and Dissemination (ER&D) program and served four years as a board member of the Detroit Federation of Teachers (DFT), the local Union. Vanessa is currently serving as a Title 1 teacher and chair of the solutions component committees at her school for Detroit Public Schools. |
Kimberly Wesner
I work at Novi Middle School in the Novi Community School District. This is currently my 16th year at Novi Middle School, but my 18th year of teaching. Continuing my education and being cognizant of best practices is very important to me. I pursued National Board Certification to not only reflect upon my teaching, but also my collaboration with staff and community and how that collaboration directly impacts student learning in our school. The National Board Certification process positively influenced me as it allowed me to take an honest look at my own practices and then reflect on those practices. I found this to be an invaluable experience and would recommend it to all educators. |
Gina Wilson
I have taught at the Early College Alliance at Eastern Michigan University for the past seven years, and I have additional teaching experience in both public and independent schools. I decided to become a teacher after earning my Masters of Science in Chemical Engineering and designing curriculum for the Women in Engineering Program at the University of Michigan. I pursued National Board Certification because I believe the rigorous, voluntary process strengthens the teaching profession and showcases the myriad of complex processes that teachers manage on a daily basis. Through my National Board experience I have interacted with local and national organizations that are collaborating to support experienced, preservice and beginning teachers and educational communities. I am looking forward to becoming an even more active member of this community while continuing to work with students in the classroom. |